Los Angeles SEO Services

Search engine optimization is the process of building your online profile so that your company shows as high as possible when your customers are “Googling” for you. We do this with a combination of many different things from page evaluation on your website, to google places, Facebook pages and other social media strategies. This service is performed continuously to maintain the highest ranking positions possible.

The first place we will start with SEO for your business is on your website. If you do not have implement good practices on your website for ranking for your keywords, you will not rank high. We will make sure your keyword density is of an appropriate level and will work with you to create effective meta tags for each page.

The next step in the SEO process is your external profiles, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ just to name a few. We will make sure you have exact match domain, name, address, and phone numbers and are using appropriate keyword densities. Then we will step into the marketing arena and look at your first impression on these external sites to make sure you are targeting the right demographic.